© nuke
© nuke

Travelling is expanding your own horizon, learning from other cultures, making new friends, relaxing and releasing adrenalin.

For those who love travelling or those who want to plan their first trip, I provide some tipps and share my experience. In the past I visited many parts of Asia, Central America, South America, Africa and of course Europe.

Where's the best place on earth?

General Travel Tipps

  • Book flights in advance (last minute has become more pricy)
  • Look for cheap flights on the internet, airline pages (e.g. emirates) and search agents (e.g. checkfelix), check many dates
  • check departure from other countries
  • delete browser cache
  • never use an apple :)
  • check sale offers for all categories of hotels (e.g.trivago)
  • cheap option: guest house, family stay or couchsurfing
  • never change currency in your home country
  • take as much cash as possible with you
  • check currency change rates regularily
  • learn the language or at least some words
  • ask other tourists for recommendations
  • learn to read hotel descriptions and customer ratings


  • always ask the price in advance, always!!!
  • Bargain and smile :)
  • find out which are the public taxis and ask for taxi-meter
  • eat local food
  • take care of your belongings. The less you have the less you can loose.
  • wear a money belt
  • try to adapt your clothes to the local people, but don't exaggerate
  • a big plastic bag can save your gear from sinking boats or heavy rain
  • never trust somebody who says: Trust me.
  • be friendly

Packing List

This packing list provides an example for a 4 to 8 weeks travel trip in a warm, tropical country. On the plane I'm normally wearing a Jean, a long sleeve cotton shirt and light shoes.

To save my stuff from water and humidity I put a big plastic bag in my backpack pack everything in it and close it with a knot. Sensible electric devices are kept in airtight plastic bags with dry bags. I pack the toilet bag outside the big plastic bag on top to provide quick access. In the side pockets I put the medipack and the survival pack both packed in waterproof cases.


20-30litres backpack (total 2-5kg)

  • 1 sweater
  • sunglasses (cheap one)
  • travel documents (passports, flight/hotel data)
  • notebook, cables (Samsung)
  • camera, cables (GoPro)
  • cellphone (open for all networks)
  • desinfectant lotion

60-80litres backpack (total 10-12kg)

  • 1long linen trouser
  • 4 longsleeve cotton shirts
  • 3 cotton tshirts
  • 1 swimshort (fast drying)
  • 7 underpants
  • 3 pairs of socks
  • 1 pair of flip-flops
  • 1 rain jacket
  • sarung
  • bed linen
  • toilet bag*
  • medipack*
  • survival pack*
  • optional travel gear*
very useful LED solar lamp (India)
very useful LED solar lamp (India)

Toilet bag

  • toothbrush
  • toothpaste
  • desinfectant Lotion
  • parfume sample
  • facial cream
  • sun cream SPF50
  • aftersun bodylotion
  • dental floss
  • washing powder


  • clinical thermometer
  • paracetamol (Do NOT take aspirin in tropical countries!)
  • desinfectant
  • band aid, plaster and steril pads
  • charcoal tablets
  • broad-spectrum antibiotics
  • tweezers and scissor
  • Immodium akut
  • 10ml syringe, sterile
  • 2 injection needles. sterile

Survival Pack

  • leatherman
  • small fish hooks
  • strong fishing cord
  • strong tape
  • charcoal tablets
  • a small LED light
  • steril pads
  • whistle
  • lighter, matchsticks
  • big plastic bag

Optional Travel Gear

  • diving goggle
  • snorkel
  • mosquito net
  • diving flashlight
  • DSLR camera (Nikon D5300)
  • water purifier (osmotic system)